An Introductory Roundtrip

An Introductory Roundtrip Teaser Image

IFA flies all over Iceland. We operate on dozens of airfields in every corner of the country. This roundtrip will give you a general overview, loosely following the famous "Ring Road" which tourists like to drive on when discovering Iceland. But it's not just a leisure trip: At every stop you'll pick up and/or drop off cargo and passengers, so you can begin earning your keep. You won't be disappointed - Iceland offers some of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. Have a fun and safe flight!

You'll start and end the tour at Reykjavik Airport (BIRK) and take the Cessna Grand Caravan EX to the Icelandic skies (pick a reasonable substitute if the C208 is not available in your sim).

Available After completion of the charter/tour you will automatically receive an award.

Tour legs

Please note: You can bid for more than one leg at a time, e.g. if you plan on flying several in a row. But to avoid database bloat, we'll cancel bids that were not flown within 48 hours. You'll have to add bids again.

  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 1 / Route: BIRK to BIPA / Distance: 100.09 nm / Duration: 75 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 2 / Route: BIPA to BIIS / Distance: 36.46 nm / Duration: 30 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 3 / Route: BIIS to BIKR / Distance: 89.62 nm / Duration: 45 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 4 / Route: BIKR to BIAR / Distance: 37.36 nm / Duration: 30 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 5 / Route: BIAR to BIHU / Distance: 23.72 nm / Duration: 15 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 6 / Route: BIHU to BIEG / Distance: 85.13 nm / Duration: 45 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 7 / Route: BIEG to BIHN / Distance: 63.02 nm / Duration: 45 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 8 / Route: BIHN to BIVI / Distance: 110.25 nm / Duration: 75 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 9 / Route: BIVI to BIVM / Distance: 37.4 nm / Duration: 30 min
  • Flight No. 2000, Leg 10 / Route: BIVM to BIRK / Distance: 61.21 nm / Duration: 45 min