
VFR Phraseology Template

One of the biggest risks in aviation lies in pilot and air traffic controller not understanding each other. Might result in situations like shown above. Let’s try to avoid that. 🙂

As promised in one of the latest recordings I’m publishing a little VFR sheet. The purpose is to give sim pilots who would like to join VATSIM, IVAO or similar networks, some kind of initial framework with which to assemble standard phrases which can be used in VFR situations (no IFR included here).

Basically you fill out a couple of fields at the top of the sheet, like origin, destination, preferred altitude etc and then the sheet generates phrases to be used in situations with towered or non-towered airfields or if there’s only unicom/traffic radio available.

Of course it’s neither complete nor perfect, so I’d love for more experienced sim pilots to help out and advise on how to make this better. Readbacks aren’t included here, because we don’t know exactly in advance what controllers will say.

Please do use the comment section below to leave remarks, suggestions etc. There’s also a discussion at the FS forums.

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